Naslov (srp)

Parametric models of the plate implants for humerus bone


Al-Rijebat, Mohammed M. Rashid


Manić, Miodrag 1957-
Mitković, Milorad
Devedžić, Goran
Stojković, Miloš
Vitković, Nikola

Opis (srp)

Bibliografija: listovi 108-117. Datum odbrane: 15.03.2019. Production technology

Opis (eng)

In the field of orthopaedic surgery the main goal is to find the best treatment for the person with bone fracture or other trauma. In the treatment of the fractures of the bones, surgeons apply techniques of internal and external fixation. External fixation is a surgical technique used for stabilization of bone fragments with the fixator positioned outside of the human body (only pins and screws go inside the body). The alignment of the external fixator can be adjusted externally to provide optimal position of the bone and bone fragments during the recovery process. Internal fixation presumes use of osteofixation material (screws, pins, plate implants) inside the human body, in order to stabilize the bone fracture. Both internal and external fixation can be used for the healing of the bone fracture, but internal fixation is preferable, since there is better functional recovery of the bone. Plate implants are the most used internal fixators for the surgical treatments of the bone fractures. They are made in the various sizes and shapes, in order to be used for different patients. The application of such implants for the treatment of the unique patient bone may initiate problem because the bone and the plate implant may be different in size and shape.. In such cases it is hard to find proper position of the plate, the patient's treatment may be hampered due to inadequate transfer of load during bone healing process, etc. The problem can be reduced if the implants known as the personalized implants (PPIs) are used. The geometry and shape of PPIs are customized to the anatomy and morphology of the bone of the particular patient. Positive effects on patients are present but there is the need for more preoperative planning and production. PPIs are used in the situations when, if the predefined implant are used, it can lead to both intra-operative and post-operative complications.






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