Title (srp)

Zaštita od požara i provale primenom netipičnih električnih vodova : doktorska disertacija


Jevtić, Radoje B., 1973-


Blagojević, Milan 1958-
Pavlović, Vlastimir
Petković, Dejan
Radovanović, Radovan 1963-
Pešić, Dušica 1961-

Description (srp)

Biografija autora: listovi 126-12Umnoženo za odbranu. Univerzitet u Nišu, Fakultet zaštite na radu, 2013. Bibliografija: listovi 112-125. Summary.

Description (eng)

Typical or atypical electrical lines in the fire and burglary protection systems were mostly used for the electric power transmission, while they were less frequently used as the fire and burglary detectors. For the successful use of typical and atypical electrical lines in fire and burglary protection systems, it is necessary to know lot of parameters, such as specific resistance, thermal conductivity, linear capacity, characteristic impedance etc., as well as change mechanism and parameters dependence due to some determinate disturbance. Using typical and atypical power lines can solve the problem of early detection and determination of disorders caused by a fire or burglary. This PhD thesis consists of eight chapters. The first chapter is an introductory part where the basic terms of the fire and burglary protection were presented. The modern solutions related to the use of typical and atypical power lines in the fire protection and burglary protection systems were presented. The second chapter contains the basic theoretical principles, techniques and methods in the experiments that were applied, and that could be applied in future research and experiments. The third chapter presents results based of experiments .The results represent solutions related to right time reaction in the fire and burglary protection systems, as well as the determination of the location on typical and atypical power lines where disorders occurred. The results are designed to have a theoretical assumption, experimental part, results comparison, and some of them simulation in the appropriate software. The analyze results of typical and atypical electrical lines in the fire and burglary protection systems are presented in fourth chapter. The main reasons and advantages for which the use of these lines in the fire and burglary protection systems can be justified were given. The fifth chapter is conclusion where the realized results of the realization procedure of the given goals of this paper were presented. The sixth chapter consists of a literature used review: books, journals, papers from journals and conference proceedings, papers from conferences and symposiums, web sites, standards, rules and regulations. The brief biography of candidate is presented in the seventh chapter. The author’s statements about the authorship; identity of printed and electronic version of doctoral dissertation and the terms of the use are presented in the eighth chapter.

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