Naslov (srp)

Efekat perkutane koronarne intervencije na prognozu sa akutnim infarktom miokarda bez ST elevacije


Lazarević, Gordana D. 1976-


Perišić, Zoran

Opis (eng)

Introduction: Data suggest that the prevalence of non ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes (NSTE-ACS) is higher than that of ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (MI) (STEMI), intrahospital mortality is higher in STEMI, but higher in NSTE-ACS compared to STEMI after 4 years. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effects of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) on outcomes in patients with non ST segment elevation MI (NSTEMI). Patients and methods: The present study included 185 patients who survived MI (A group, patients with NSTEMI, treated with PCI and drugs, B group, patients with STEMI, treated with PCI and drugs and C group, patients with NSTEMI, treated with drugs only). An effect of PCI, as well as the predictive value of markers of necrosis, inflammation, renal function, heart failure on intrahospital and posthospital outcomes were investigated. Results: Intrahospital complications appeared more frequently in B group, while posthospital complications, including angina pectoris, hemodynamic instability and MACE (death, reinfarction and coronary artery bypass grafting) appeared more frequently in C group. The strongest predictors of death were the C group, female sex, patients who already suffered from MI, heart rate on admission, glycated hemoglobin, urea and creatinine. Conclusions: The strongest predictors of death were age and heart rate on admission. The average time of survival was significantly shorter in C group, compared to both A and B groups. However, it was not significantly different between A and B groups.

Opis (srp)

Biografija: list 176 Datum odbrane: 07.07.2016. Cardiology






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