Naslov (srp)

Analiza hemijskih i energetskih postrojenja u funkciji unapređenja konceptualne faze projektovanja : doktorska disertacija


Cvetković, Svetislav S.


Rašković, Predrag
Žerajić, Stanko
Stojanović, Sreten

Opis (srp)

Umnoženo za odbranu. Univerzitet u Nišu, Tehnološki fakultet Leskovac, 2014. Bibliografija iza svakog poglavlja. Rezime ; Summary.

Opis (eng)

This thesis deals with analysis method of chemical and energy plants as an integral part of the conceptual plant design. The purpose of the analysis phase in the conceptual process design is explained by summarizing the fundamental postulates of engineering design and by consider-ing the elements of basic design cycle. Particular attention is devoted to the steady-state, open thermodynamic systems, modelling and simulation, as well to the computer-aided process design and flowsheeting software. The method of exergy analysis was used as the basic tool which evaluates the design solutions with respect to the energy efficiency improvement. In the practical part of the thesis, theoretical framework is illustrated by analysis of three complex plants, two of which are currently operating, while the geothermal plant analysis is used with the aim of performing preliminary accounting for the plant construction in future. Research results obtained in the thesis indicate significant possibilities of energy efficiency improvements in all three plants.






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