Naslov (srp)

Реструктурирање банкарског сектора и допринос привредном развоју у транзиционим условима : докторска дисертација


Brković, Milan, 1973-


Krstić, Borko. (ths)
Živković, Aleksandar, 1954-
Marinković, Srđan, 1970-

Opis (eng)

Paper focuses on banking sector restructuring and influences on economic development in transition countries. Liberalization of financial markets together with abandon of central plan principle lead to significant changes in banks ownership structure, independence in economic rational decisions while extended a loan, new asset and liability management and domination of foreign banks. Broadness and deepness of requested changes in banking sector consequently influenced agility of reforms and had direct impact on economic growth and development. Countries with faster and more efficient reforms implementation in banking sector achieved faster economic growth. Relative share of financial sector in total output of the country constantly grew but direct impact on production is also important. Reformed banking sector brought back trust in banks which in turn lead to savings rate and all together contributed to the new role of banks in transition or market oriented business like in any other modern banking system. Nevertheless, further steps are expected in order to complete reform process.

Opis (srp)

Биографија кандидата: лист 268. Умножено за одбрану. Универзитет у Нишу, Економски факултет, 2013. Напомене и библиографске референце уз текст. Библиографија: листови 260-267. Summary.






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