Naslov (srp)

Мерење концентрације и тржишне моћи привредних субјеката у функцији унапређења политике заштите конкуренције : докторска дисертација


Radivojević, Vladimir M.


Stojanović, Boban, 1958-
Stanković, Ljiljana
Maksimović, Ljiljana, 1956-

Opis (srp)

На спор. насл. стр.: Measuring concentration and market power of economic entities funktion of improving competition policy. Универзитет у Нишу, Економски факултет,2013. Напомене и библиографске референце уз текст. Резиме ; Summary.

Opis (eng)

In economic theory, it is generally accepted thesis that greater competition increases economic efficiency and hence overall social welfare. Therefore, the establishment of competitive market structure is one of the primary intentions of every market-oriented economy. The practice of developed countries clearly confirmed that law and competition policy are an essential part of the institutional framework within which effective market economy operates. All of the key phenomena dealt by competition policy are explained on the basis of modern economics findings. Economic explanation of these occurrences allows cognition of causes, mechanisms and consequences of the phenomenon of competition and its distortion. The aim of this thesis is to highlight the importance of competition policy and to contribute to the identification and analysis of non-competitive market structures, i.e. anti-competitive behavior of market participants. The proposed theoretical-methodological and econometric instrumentation allows analysis of market structure, analysis of market participants behavior and the analysis of effects of that behavior on economic efficiency and social welfare. Results obtained by these analytical apparatus provides a good basis for objective, unbiased, and (to some extent) standardized reasoning and identification of anti-competitive behavior. An empirical examination of the proposed instruments in done on the example of the Serbian sugar market. The results indicate significant problems facing Serbia in the process of building an efficient market economy based on competition.






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