Naslov (srp)

Ефекти тренинга адаптивне кошарке на специфично моторичке и функционалне способности адолесцената са менталном ретардацијом : докторска дисертација


Stanišić, Zoran, 1958-


Kocić, Miodrag.
Berić, Dragana.
Aleksandrović, Marko.
Simović, Slobodan.

Opis (eng)

The research was conducted in order to determine the effects of an adaptive training basketball on the transformation of specific motoric and functional abilities of adolescents with mental retardation. The sample consisted of 60 adolescents with mental retardation, pupils of School for elementary and secondary education "14 October" in Nis, Serbia, aged 13 to 17 years, of both sexes. The experimental group was composed of 30 adolescents with mental retardation, 12 girls and 18 boys selected for training adaptive basketball in physical education classes, four times a week for 30 minutes for a period of eight weeks. The control group was also made up of 30 adolescents with mental retardation, 10 girls and 20 boys who attended the classes of regular physical education program, four times a week for 30 minutes for a period of eight weeks. In the research was used measurement instruments to assess the anthropometric characteristics (three), specific motoric (four) and functional (four) abilities. Basketball test battery included a four ability levels of increasing difficulty, from the first to the fourth, each one characterized by the analysis of the four main areas related to the technical and fundamental aspects of the game: ball handling, reception, passing and shooting. Each area is divided into five specific components, in which the participants receive individual score: 1 point for correct efficiency, 0.5 points for misinterpretation and 0 points for a complete failure. For each level, the examinee can reach a maximum of 20 points. Moving to the next level is determined by winning at least 15 points. In addition to the basic statistical parameters, the results were analyzed by analysis of variance and covariance and canonical discriminant analysis. Results of the research indicate that the experimental group participants achieve better results in the studied area, and that there were significant effects of adaptive training of basketball in the final test.

Opis (srp)

Умножено за одбрану. Универзитет у Нишу, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања, 2013. Библиографија: листови 64-71. Резиме ; Summary.






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