Naslov (srp)

Формирање урбане структуре и архитектонских облика Царичиног Града у VI веку : докторска дисертација


Momčilović-Petronijević, Ana


Kurtović-Folić, Nađa, 1947-
Mitković, Petar
Marković, Srđan. 1951-

Opis (srp)

Прилози: 173 листа. Умножено за одбрану. Универзитет у Нишу, Грађевинско-архитектонски факултет., 2013. Напомене и библиографске референце уз текст. Библиографија: листови 186-204. Резиме ; Summary.

Opis (eng)

The results of archeological and architectonic research of Caricin Grad are only partially known to the scientific public in spite of the numerous publications. For this reason, this paper is a way to present the urban structure of the city and its architectonic forms by gathering concise results and analyses of new architectonic field research and of the already published ones as well. The synthesis of new and already known facts and data, provides a more complete and thus clearer picture of the physical structure of this early Byzantine city than the one which exists now. The paper aims towards study of architectonic and urban forms of early Byzantium. The paper provides an analysis of archeological site, Caricin Grad from the viewpoint of urban structure, as well as an analysis of architectonic structures. Also viewed and analyzed were the issues of water supply for the city, and sewage system. The impacts responsible for formation of Caricin Grad in 6th century were analyzed, and also the building method and applied materials, by finding their origin, The building and other influences of Caricin Grad on the development and emergence of sacral architecture and individual forms of public architecture in the immediate vicinity of the city were defined. The paper determined the development of urban and architectonic form of Caricing Grad from founding in the first half of 6th century AD to its disappearance in 7th century AD, historical background of development. The documents on the individual structures of the city and parts of the city were updated, a typological classification (primarily religious) structures was established, and other early Byzantine sites in the vicinity were analyzed and the value of this category of building heritage was determined. The doctoral dissertation research results may serve as a basis for creation of adequate detailed town planning – technical and conservation conditions for protection of early Byzantine forts, and subsequently for adequate designs of reconstruction and revitalization. Key






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