Naslov (srp)

Prilog razvoju metode za valorizaciju akustičke emisije izvora buke dvomiktofonskom procedurom merenja intenziteta zvuka u realnim uslovima : doktorska disertacija


Praščević, Momir


Cvetković, Dragan

Opis (srp)

Na vrhu nasl. str.: Univerzitet u Nišu, fakultet zaštite na radu.Bibliografija: listovi 137-142.

Opis (eng)

The primary parameter used to describe and declare the noise source emission - the emission sound pressure level is defined as sound pressure level under free field condition at the specified position that depends on the type and character of noise source. In according to European directives and international standards related to noise sources, each producer of machines, devices and equipment has to declare the sound power level of his products, if the emission sound pressure level exceeds 85dB(A). Therefore, the emission sound pressure level becomes a parameter which must be determined and whose value assigns the necessity of determination of other acoustical quantities aimed to define noise source emission.






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