Kinetika mikrotalasne ekstrakcije i karakterizacija bioaktivnih komponenti iz lovor višnje (Prunus laurocerasus L.) : doktorska disertacija
Karabegović, Ivana
Lazić, Miodrag. 1953-
The subject of the doctoral dissertation was the kinetics and the mechanism of the microwave extraction of the cherry laurel (Prunus Laurocerasus L.) leaves, fruits and seeds under different operating conditions, as well as the mechanisms of isolating the essential oil from the leaves (classical hydrodistillation, hydrodistillation, and solvent free distillation under the influence of the microwaves). Solvents of different polarity (water, methanol, 2-propanol) were used for the extraction of the leaves and fruits, whereas n-hexane and system n-hexane:water for the extraction of the seeds.
Umnoženo za odbranu. Univerzitet u Nišu, Tehnološki fakultet., 2011. Bibliografija: listovi 117-137. Sažetak; Abstract.
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