Naslov (srp)

Povratno mešanje tečne faze i kinetika procesa alkoholne fermentacije u trofaznom bioreaktoru sa vibracionom mešalicom : doktorska disertacija


Nikolić, Ljubiša B.


Veljković, Vlada
Skala, Dejan
Lazić, Miodrag

Opis (eng)

In this paper, the influence of liquid and gas flow rates, vibration intensity, and solid phase volume fraction on the axial mixing of the liquid phase in axial direction of reciprocating plate columns with different geometry (columns RPC1 and RPC2: inner column diameter 2.54 and 9.2 cm, working height 173 and 86 cm, number of perforated plates 65 and 15, and fractional free area 51 and 45.4 %, respectively) was investigated. The tap water flowing down (superficial velocity: up to 0.9 cm/s), air (superficial velocity to 1.5 cm/s) and the polypropylene spheres (diameter 8.3 mm, density 890 kg/m3, ratio up to 8.43 %) were used as the liquid, gas and solid phase, respectively. To study the axial dispersion (axial mixing) the resident-time distribution function was used, which was determined by the pulse input method with sorbic acid used as a tracer (tracer concentration was measured at the column outlet).

Opis (srp)

Umnoženo za odbranu.Univerzitet u Nišu, Tehnološki fakultet u Leskovcu., 2003,Izvod ; Abstract. Bibliografija: listovi 113-119.






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