Naslov (srp)

Komparativna analiza imunskog odgovora i oksidativnog stresa kod pacijenata sa psorijazom i atopijskim dermatitisom


Bakić, Mirjana 1976-


Karanikolić, Vesna, 1972-
Binić, Ivana
Ravić-Nikolić, Ana

Opis (srp)

Aim: Psoriasis (PsO) and atopic dermatitis (AD) are chronicinflammatory, immune-mediated diseases characterized by activationof Th22 T-cells and the Th1 pathway with increased production of IL-22 and IFN-γ. Oxidative stress plays a significant role in thepathogenesis of PsO and AD. Therefore, the aim of our research wasto perform a comparative analysis of the immune response ofcytokines, protein and non-protein mediators of inflammation andoxidative stress for both diseases. In line with this, we investigated thepossibility of detecting a sufficiently sensitive and specific biomarkerthat could indicate the presence of one of the two pathophysiologicalentities that are the subject of this research, as well as the detection ofa biomarker or a group of biomarkers (models) that would enable theprediction of the presence of comorbidities in certain patients, and theprediction of high values of the severity of the clinical picture inpsoriasis, as well as the impact on the quality of life of patients affectedby psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Methodology: Eighty patientsunderwent anthropometric measurements, evaluation of the severity ofthe clinical picture, as well as blood sampling for biochemical andhematological analyzes, on the basis of which cellular parameters andindices of immune response activation, acute phase proteins, cytokinesIL-22 and IFN-γ, markers of oxidative stress, as well as markers ofsystemic inflammation were determined. Results: Catalase enzymewas detected as a marker for distinguishing between psoriasis andatopic dermatitis. The antioxidant score showed diagnostic accuracy inpredicting the risk values of the severity of the clinical picture ofpsoriasis and the impact on the quality of life. Certain groups ofbiomarkers were detected as predictors of the type of disease,predictors of the presence of comorbidities, as well as predictors ofhigh values of the quality of life index of the examinedpatients.Conclusion: Our results indicate that catalase enzyme hasgood diagnostic accuracy in separating patients with AD from patientswith PsO. Also, biomarkers were detected as predictors of the type ofdisease, comorbidity, and high values of the quality of life index ofpatients in both diseases. No statistically significant difference wasfound in the concentration of the inflammation marker, CRP, newinflammatory indices derived from hematological parameters (NLRand Tr/Ly ratio), and immune markers, IFN-γ and IL-22.Further longitudinal studies involving a greater number of subjects areneeded to confirm our results and determine the most reliablediagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for PsO and AD.

Opis (srp)

Biografija autora: str. [2]. Bibliografija: str. 103-122. Datum odbrane: 04.03.2024. Dermatovenerology






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