Naslov (eng)

The significance of R&D activities for managing intellectual capital of enterprises


Krstić, Bojan
Janjić, Ivana
Jovanović- Vujatović, Milica
Milanović, Sandra

Opis (eng)

Enterprises are developing, increasing their profits, value and competitiveness based on successful synergies of human, structural and relational intellectual capital. In addition, R&D (Research and Development) has been acknowledged as a crucial contributor to the competitive advantage in today’s competitive market. By performing R&D activities, companies create, develop and use intellectual resources (the knowledge of employees and managers, the knowledge contained in technology and processes), which are valorized on the market and converted into a certain value. R&D is the primary source of knowledge stored within individuals in the enterprise. The most generally used indicators of R&D outputs are patents and innovations, and very important components of structural intellectual capital. Both of these indicators are used to evaluate a company’s technological strength and capabilities.

Opis (eng)

BH Economic forum, Vol. 14, Ekonomski fakultet u Zenici, Bosna i Hercegovina






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o:2347 Radovi istraživača i saradnika Inovacionog centra Univerziteta u Nišu