Naslov (eng)



Jovanović, Natalija
Jovanović, Milica

Opis (eng)

This paper deals with the qualitative analysis of poverty and social inequality in contemporary societies and forms of social exclusion of individuals, families and social groups. Indicators of poverty, the causes of poverty, misery index, the standard of living, social stratification, and social exclusion are some of the economic and also sociological categories that are measurable and applicable factors in the analysis of social conditions. Poverty, social inequality and social exclusion give an image of a society as well as a prospect of possible difficulties in social development, potential conflicts, divisions, overt and covert tensions and conflicts. Economic indicators, such as GDP, industrial production index, inflation, unemployment, food basket together with the level of education of the population, the level of achieved democracy, political stability and orientation towards the welfare of the society (responsible social policy), can be a basis for analyzing the perspectives of social inclusion of individuals, families and social groups in specific societies. The work aims to perform an analysis of ideal typical social models as well as to propose measures of social policies to overcome poverty and social exclusion, as growing social problems of the modern world. At this moment, the entire countries of Central Africa are facing a situation in which millions of people are dying of hunger, which is the most extreme form of poverty. These societies are almost entirely excluded from the world community. A form of their inclusion is the engagement in humanitarian actions for providing food, drinking water and health services. This is the first stage of creating the conditions for social inclusion, and the next level is to provide conditions for the education of the population.

Opis (eng)

Godišnjak za sociologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Nišu, XVI/24, pp. 9-22






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o:2347 Radovi istraživača i saradnika Inovacionog centra Univerziteta u Nišu