Naslov (eng)

National competitiveness and goods market efficiency in Serbia and neighboring countries


Jovanović, Milica
Đokić, Milica

Opis (eng)

The paper analyzes the efficiency of the goods market in Serbia as a determinant of national competitiveness. The purpose of this paper is to present a comparative analysis of the goods market efficiency in Serbia and neighboring countries based on the methodology of the World Economic Forum, that is, the sixth pillar of competitiveness. This pillar of competitiveness relies on 16 indicators that indicate the level of efficiency of the goods market in one country. These indicators significantly contribute to the assessment and ranking of the country in terms of national competitiveness.The results of this research can be useful to economic policy makers, with the aim of formulating actions and strategies for improving the efficiency of the goods market. The conclusions of the paper should show the key causes of our country's current position in this aspect and help define future policies to meliorate the individual indicators on which this pillar of competitiveness is based. The originality of this paper is based on a comparative analysis of Serbia and the surrounding countries, pointing to the key limiting factors and key problems of the Serbian goods market, as well as the disadvantages facing the countries in the region. Practical implications of the research include identifying the causes of Serbia's unfavorable position from the aspect of the sixth pillar of competitiveness and pointing to the possibility of improving the position of Serbia in this area of global competitiveness

Opis (eng)

Thematic collection of paper: „Enhancing Competitiveness of National Economies and Enterprises“: pp. 109-142, Faculty of Economics, University of Niš






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competitiveness, efficiency, goods market, Serbia, neighboring countries

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:2347 Radovi istraživača i saradnika Inovacionog centra Univerziteta u Nišu