Naslov (srp)

Morfo-anatomska i fitohemijska varijabilnost roda Abies mill. (Pinaceae) na Balkanskom poluostrvu


Nikolić, Jelena, 1993-


Mitić, Zorica, 1982-
Zlatković, Bojan, 1970-
Jušković, Marina, 1969-
Nikolić, Biljana, 1961-

Opis (srp)

This doctoral dissertation deals with morpho-anatomical and phytochemical variability and differentiation in Abies alba, A. x borisii-regis and A. cephalonica, using 19 native populations from the assumed hybrid zone in the Balkan Peninsula. The observed clinal pattern in the distribution of morpho-anatomical and phytochemical variation over the broader transition zone between A. alba and A. cephalonica supported the hypothesis that these two species experienced secondary contact following the main range shifts throughout the climatic oscillations of the Pleistocene. Based on univariate statistical analyses of morpho-anatomical and phytochemical markers, we determined clear differences between the eastern A. alba lineage and A. cephalonica, but unstable characteristics of A. x borisii-regis. The multivariate analyses revealed sharp differentiation between populations of Abies alba and A. cephalonica at the level of morpho-anatomical characteristics and headspace (HS) volatiles, while variability of wax compounds entirely failed in supporting delineation of populations of parent species. In addition, the obtained results inticated that 10 of the studied populations may be hybridogenous within a wider geographical area (southwestern and southern Bulgaria, southernmost North Macedonia and almost the entire Greece). All hybrid populations should be included in conservation projects, as the genetic constitution of these polymorphic fir populations may contain useful genetic variation necessary for survival regarding the future environmental challenges in this area.

Opis (srp)

Bibliografija: listovi 175-195. Biografija sa bibliografijom: listovi 196-200. Datum odbrane: 27.12.2023. Botany






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