Naslov (eng)

Ablaut Alternations in English and Serbian Adjective Derivation


Pavlović, Dejan
Jovanović, Vladimir Ž.


Filozofski fakultet u Nišu

Opis (srp)

Jezik, književnost, alternative / Language, Literature, Alternatives : jezička istraživanja : zbornik radova, Filozofski fakultet u Nišu, 2022, str. 163-182

Opis (eng)

This paper deals with ablaut in adjective derivation; it compares and contrasts English and Serbian examples with ablaut alternations. It also attempts to discover the ablaut type occurring in such examples as well as the frequency with which it appears, and also to confirm if there are certain rules according to which such vowel alternations occur. Another point to be established by this paper is to what extent there is a correlation between primary stress shift and derivational ablaut, which affixes cause the stress shift and in which circumstances. The research was conducted using a corpus of adjectives and their formative roots in both English and Serbian; the corpus was composed of at least 150 examples from both languages, collected using lexicographical studies dealing with adjective derivation from nouns and verbs and using a number of different derivational suffixes (for example, -ous and -ive (English), -an and -iv (Serbian)). Examples include the pairs bile > bilious (English) and hramati > hrom (Serbian). The results are hoped to showcase the contrast between the English and Serbian languages, as well as their deviation concerning this process as compared to their mutual ancestor, the Proto-Indo-European language.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Engleski jezik

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Engleski jezik

ablaut alternations, adjective derivation, stress shift, derivational suffixes, English, Serbian, corpus-based research.

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o:2235 Radovi istraživača Filozofskog fakulteta u Nišu