Naslov (srp)

Analiza nelinearne dinamike mehaničkih struktura sa prigušenjem frakcionog reda primenom aproksimativnih metoda


Nešić, Nikola D., 1986-


Simonović, Julijana, 1975-
Manojlović, Jelena, 1969-
Lazarević, Mihailo, 1964-
Pavlović, Ivan R., 1979-
Jović, Srđan, 1968-

Opis (srp)

The thesis investigates dynamical behavior of two different mechanicalmodels, nano-beam on fractional viscoelastic foundationand dynamical mass damper, which can be reduced to the nonlinearfractional differential Duffing-type equation systems. Incrementalharmonic balance method with continuation method are used toobtain amplitude-frequency response of the system’s steady statesolutions. Stability of periodic orbits is investigated in special casesby using Floquet theory of stability. As comparative methodsfor models described with fractional differential equations are usedamong others the perturbation method of multiple time scales andNewmark method. The influence of different system parameters ondynamic behavior is examined.

Opis (srp)

Biografija autora: str. 133Bibliografija: str. 115-132 Datum odbrane: 06.10.2023. Vibration of systems with fractional damping






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