Naslov (srp)

Administrativno-teritorijalna organizacija i lokalna samouprava u Vidovdanskom ustavu


Maksimović, Nebojiša, 1984-


Đorđević, Aleksandar V., 1975-
Ranđelović, Nebojša V., 1967-
Vučetić, Dejan, 1974-
Mirković, Zoran, 1965-

Opis (srp)

Biografija studenta: list 373,Bibliografija: listovi 364-367. Datum odbrane: 02.06.2023. Legal – historic

Opis (eng)

The subject of research in the doctoral dissertation „Administrative-territorial organization and local selfgovernmentin the Vidovdan Constitution“ is the process of normative constitution of the Yugoslav model oflocal self-government and its territorial organization in the period from the Vidovdan Constitution in 1921 to theestablishment of the Januar 6 dictatorship in 1929. The research is structured through six thematic units in whichthe factors that influenced the building of local self-government and its administrative-territorial componentduring the third decade of the XX century in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes are analyzed in ascientifically based way. The research was conducted in a broader socio-political context in order to gain andclearer picture of the determination of individual groups that took part in the constitutional and legislativeprocess. An overview of the various political options in the Constituent Assembly and their mutual relationshipis given because in that political prism and should look for the basis on which the Vidovdan Constitution andlater legislation were built. The concept of local self-government established by the Constitution, is the result ofthe ideological orientation of the ruling parties, the Radical and Democratic, and attractiveness of the Frencmodel and which the state exercises strong control over local authorities. The review of the constitutional debate,first in the Constitutional Committee, and then in the Assembly, aims to point out the process of partialevolution in certain issues and the factors that influenced the final formation of the administrative-territorialorganization and principles of local self-government in the Constitution. The last chapter of the dissertation isdedicated to the analysis of the regulations of the Decree on the division of land into areas, the Law of GeneralAdministration, nad the Law on Regional and District Self-Government, which implemented the VidovdanConstitution in one of its key segments. The reasons that led to the introduction of regional self-government onlyin 1927 are especially explained. The intention of the constitution-maker and legislator in the Kingdom of Serbs,Croats and Slovenes to influence the overall integration of the Yugoslav populacion through the adopted conceptof administrative-territorial division and local self-government runs through the entire research.






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