Književnoteorijski i didaktičko-metodički pristup basni u razrednoj nastavi
Stojanović, Buba, 1972-
Denić Mihailović, Sunčica
Zlatković, Blagica
Cvetanović, Zorica
Mišić, Danijela
The didactic design of the textbook as a textbook in teaching is conditioned by the nature of literature as an art and teaching content. Fables are studied in the younger grades of primary school and are represented in the textbook, a specific textbook defined as an anthology of texts intended for the literary development of student’spersonalities. The reading book as a specialized textbook, its artistic and pedagogical values and experiential-cognitive possibilities, enables fables to be didactically-methodically defined for teaching analysis and all-round building of the student’s personality. For the stated purposes, it is necessary that the textbook contains didactic-methodical instruments that will accompany the fables, introduce students to the course of action and the actions of the characters, and enable the student’s independent attitude towards the literary work.Didactic design of textbooks is defined by legal guidelines (Rulebook on textbook quality standards and instructions on their use, Službeni glasnik RS, Prosvetni glasnik:42/2016-11, 45/2018-40) and General Textbook Quality (Ivić et al.,2009). In this paper, we analyze the didactic design of fables in selected textbooks published by publishing houses: Eduka, Zavod za udžbenike, Klett, Kreativni centar and Nova škola, published after 2016 in order to determine the compliance of didactic-methodological apparatus and quality standards D. groups and examining the attitudes of teachers about the achievement of quality standards D. groups in the textbooks they use and the textbooks they recommend, with special emphasis on D12.standard Support for creative thinking and behavior. The analysis of textbooks and the examination of teachers' attitudes show the necessity of improving the didactic-methodical apparatus of textbooks in order to provide more frequent incentives, and thus better preconditions for the development of creative thinking and behavior in younger students.
Bibliografija: listovi 333-347 Datum odbrane: 20.03.2023. Classroom teaching methodology
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