Naslov (srp)

Konformne, koncirkularne i projektivne (geodezijske) transformacije u prostorima nesimetrične afine koneksije i generalisanim Rimanovim prostorima


Velimirović, Ana, 1992-


Zlatanović, Milan, 1984-
Stanković, Mića, 1965-
Rakić, Zoran P., 1964-
Milenković, Vladislava M., 1991-

Opis (eng)

The paper refers to the problems of non-symmetric affineconnection spaces and generalized Riemannian spaces, which are stillopen today. Eisenhart and Einstein were the first to deal with theseproblems, and they are still relevant today.K. Yano introduced the concept of a geodesic circle in . We alsointroduced that concept in and studied its properties. We havestudied the integrability conditions of differential equations ofgeodesic circles, as well as lines in . Geodesic circles thatrepresent a generalization of the results of K. Yano are considered.Geodesic circles of the first and second order and the conditions for ageodesic circle to be of the first and the second order are defined.In the study of the mapping (transformation) of the spaces and , we applied special procedures and obtained new invariants forconformal, concircular and projective ransformations of tensors andpseudotensors of curvature.Furthermore, we considered the possibility of representing theconformal and concircular tensor from the associated space usingthe curvature and torsion tensor from .Analogously, we looked at the representation of the Wayl tensorfrom and from . In his dissertation S. M. Minčić introducedthe notion of curvature pseudotensor, which represents ageneralization of curvature tensors, because in the case of ( )they reduce to curvature tensors. We have also done abovementioned for curvature tensors for pseudotensors.The problem of how many linear connections with torsion andwithout torsion exist that have the property of being parallel withrespect to the tensor field are solved. Algebraic methods are used tocount these connections.

Opis (srp)

Биографија аутора са библиографијом: лист. [132-133],Библиографија: стр. 119-131 Datum odbrane: 27.12.2023. Differential Geometry






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