Naslov (srp)

Problem komunikacije u delima Ernesta Sabata


Čanović, Ana R., 1986-


Milutinović, Dejan, 1972-
Karanović, Vladimir
Živković, Dušan

Opis (srp)

The subject of the doctoral dissertation entitled The problem ofcommunication in the works of Ernesto Sabato is the research intoimpossibility of communication between the heroes in the prose of theArgentinian writer Ernesto Sabato. The key issues that occupiedSabato in novels and essays are: the questions of good and evil, God,the meaning of existence, the possibilities of cognition andcommunication, loneliness, literature, as well as the problems ofartistic creation. In this dissertation the above issues will beconsidered from the angle of lack of communication between theheroes in the novels The Tunnel (El Túnel), On Heroes and Tombs(Sobre héroes y tumbas) and The Angel of Darkness (Abaddón, elExterminador); the research also includes Sabato’s essays: One andthe Universe (Uno y el Universo), Men and Gears (Hombres yengranajes), Heterodoxy (Heterodoxia), The Writer and his Ghosts(El escritor y sus fantasmas), memoirs Before the End (Antes del fin)and The Resistance (La resistencia), as well as Dialogues with JorgeLuis Borges (Diálogos: Jorge Luis Borges - Ernesto Sábato). Inaddition, this paper examines the existentialist approach to theproblem of communication in the context of European, American andHispanic literature, all with the aim of determining the originality ofSabato's novels, when it comes to the concepts of(non)communication and cognition of painful reality.The aim of the dissertation is to address the following problems: thelack of communication between Sabato's heroes, the manner in whichthe motives of (non)communication and loneliness are presented inSabato's prose, the manner in which the characters of Sabato's novelsrequire a reader’s active cooperation in the process of understandingtheir actions, stylistic means by which Sabato achieves theimpossibility of communication between the heroes in his works, aswell as possible doubts and open questions after reading Sabato’snovels.The paper uses discourse analysis and conversation analysis as themain methodological approaches. The discourse is viewed from apsychological and sociological perspective, i.e. taking into accountthe writer's personality and psychological situations that accompaniedthe creation of his works, as well as the social and historicalcircumstances that were important for Sabato’s work. The startingpoint is that communication in a literary text can occur on threelevels: syntactic, semantic and pragmatic; therefore, the impossibilityof communication within Sabato’s novels is seen through the samelevels. The research of the phenomenon of (non)communicationbetween the heroes, both in Sabato's opus and in relevant novels in abroader context, will be viewed as a language conflict, i.e. as anarrative strategy that will contribute to expanding interpretiveinsights into the opus of the famous Argentian author.The research has shown that the heroes of Sabato's novels areconnected by the fact that the absence of their communication stemsfrom their belief that no one can understand them; it further impliesthat (non)communication is the result of loneliness of heroes living insubjective reality. Finally, the research into the phenomenon of(impossibility) of communication between the heroes in Sabato'sworks reveals that Sabato's understanding of the novel is based on theidea of communication between the writer and a reader – therefore,Sabato's novel is understood as an unfinished work that developsfurther after it actually ends.

Opis (srp)

Biografija autora: str. 231,Bibliografija: str. 225-230. Datum odbrane: 19.12.2022. General and comparative literature (Iberian studies)






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