Naslov (srp)

Komparativno istraživanje sadržaja elemenata i antioksidativne aktivnosti odabranih vrsta gljiva: hemometrijski pristup


Dimitrijević, Marija, 1988-


Đorđević, Dragan, 1973-
Mitić, Violeta, 1968-
Stankov-Jovanović, Vesna, 1968-
Krstić, Nenad, 1984-
Popović, Gordana, 1957-

Opis (srp)

This study aimed to compare the content of elements and antioxidant activity of thirteen species of wild mushrooms of the family Boletaceae and Russulaceae using a chemometric approach. This primarily involves identifying and quantifying the elemental composition of mushrooms using ICP - OES and ICP - MS methods and phenolic acids (the leading carriers of antioxidant activity) using HPLC technique. Determination of accumulated macro and micro elements in mushrooms provides information on nutritional value, and the determination of toxic elements provides information on the safety of mushroom consumption, which is of great importance since the analyzed species are wild and edible present in human nutrition. The obtained results for the element content in mushrooms were recalculated to the amount of 300 g of fresh mushrooms (average portion), and the obtained values were compared with the world regulations on acceptable and recommended daily intake of elements. As antioxidant activity is an important element in assessing food quality, the aim was to determine the antioxidant activity of extracts of different polarities using different tests (DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, TRP, CUPRAC), as well as to determine the content of total phenols and flavonoids. Based on the results related to research on the content of phenolic acids and antioxidant activity using various methods, the examined types of mushrooms can be considered a source of antioxidants in the diet. After the mentioned experimental research, the obtained results were statistically processed. The correlation between certain results was determined, primarily the connections between the elemental composition and antioxidant activity were established. Chemometric methods, principal components analysis, and cluster analysis enabled the grouping of samples based on element content, phenolic acids, antioxidant activity, and the determined relationships between the analyzed components.

Opis (srp)

Bibliografija: str. 128-142,Biografija sa bibliografijom: str. 143-148. Datum odbrane: 14.10.2021. General and Inorganic Chemistry






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