Naslov (srp)

Primena globalnih modela u analizi fizičkih i hemijskih procesa u niskotemperaturnim plazmama na atmosferskom pritisku


Mladenović, Željko, 1989-


Gocić, Saša, 1972-
Stamenković, Suzana, 1974-
Marić, Dragana, 1986-

Opis (srp)

The main goal of research in this dissertation is the studying of physical andchemical processes in atmospheric pressure low temperature plasmas,formed in the mixture of He or He/O2 with humid air, based on applicationof 0D global models. Electron energy distribution function in the two termapproximation and rate coefficients for electron impact processes, necessaryfor solving the balance equations of global model, have been calculated bynumerical solving of Boltzmann kinetic equation with program BOLSIG+,with cross section data taken from databases LXCat and Quantemol-DB.Using the model of electron swarm, the influence of cross section dataset ondistribution function and transport coefficients has been studied. In the caseof He/O2 RF micro-plasma jet with some percent of humid air, the influenceof electron concentration on electron energy distribution function andplasma composition has been studied by global model. In the case of pulsed(ns) He plasma jet formed in mixture of plasma with humid air, theinfluence of water vapor concentration on the main production anddestruction channels for OH radical has been analyzed and results have beencompared with the results of fluid model in literature. Global model wasexpanded by including the calculation of electron concentration andtemperature, and the term for gas flow. The model has been verified in theprocedure of modeling the mass spectrum of ions, for He plasma jet whichpropagates in humid air, measured in the Laboratory of gaseous electronics,Institute of physics Belgrade. Chemical kinetics of active species, importantfor application in biomedicine and agriculture, has been studied in detail.The influence of water vapor on electron concentration, electrontemperature and chemical kinetics of all included species has been analyzed.

Opis (srp)

Bibliografija: listovi 222-243. Datum odbrane: 28.04.2021. Physics of ionized gases and plasmas






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