Književno delo Dušana Radovića u svetlu teorije transmedijalnosti
Petković, Velibor 1963-
Jovanović, Jelena V. 1974-
Stojanović, Dobrivoje
Božić, Snežana
The subject of research of the doctoral thesis The literary work of Dušan Radović in the light of the theory of transmediality are texts written for the media or subsequently transposed from literature into electronic media - radio and television. The corpus of the study consists of a television series for children Na slovo, na slovo, the writer's theoretical considerations of this medium and TV reviews of program content, texts of the show Beograde, dobro jutro and radio dramas with reference to literary texts in intermedial and transmedial relations. The basic methodological orientation is based on postclassical, cognitive narratological studies, on the intertextual and intermedial approach as well as on transmediality that contributes to the metareferential networking of different media and the entire contemporary culture. A significant role in this approach is played by Roger Fidler's understanding of mediamorphosis as the evolution of information and communication technologies which implies the possibility of abolishing the boundaries between reality and virtuality. The theoretical part presents the development of narratology, from structuralism and attempts to establish a narrative grammar, through shifting the focus from narrative to narrativity, to the metareferential turn and hypermediation of culture. In this context, by the methodology of Marshall McLuhan's theory of the primacy of the media form for influencing the audience, the author analyzes the power of the speech narrative of radio, as well as television mediation of the world with image and sound through the history of their technological development. The research work on the texts of Dušan Radović, the first Serbian writer who was also a professional author in the electronic media, showed that his short narratives from the radio published in books express more pronounced satire as the main feature of the aphorism. The change of the communicative channel through which the narrative reaches the recipient changes the semiotic system, and thus the cognitive procedure and the way we process the narrative. The story mediated by the television image influences the movement of fictional entities through the media to an even greater extent, transmedialy varying the meanings and enriching the impressions of the recipient. The awareness of being conditioned by the media context directed Radović towards pragmatic speech in which he addressed the audience directly, which explains the openness and dynamism of his texts through the metaleptic abolition of the boundaries between fiction and reality. The description present in the texts for the radio is missing in the script of the TV series episodes, since it is replaced by the picture. The dialogical nature of human communication and the drama of events enable the transposition of narratives from one medium to another without losing the essential properties of the poetic and ethical peculiarities of Radović's work. The emergence of new media in the era of the Internet, that has led to the convergence of the old and the advent of a humancomputer interface, requires a new language in which all rhetorical figures are reduced to metonymy. The hypertext of the world wide web leads the reader from one text to another ad infinitum, believes Lev Manovich, and the counterpart to metonymy in this sphere is metareference as a key concept of transmedial narratology. Radović's narratives, based on word play, the unusualness of reality and the creation of miracles, connect fantasy and reality with a two-dimensional character, which makes them ideal for the endless virtual space of the transmedial future.
Biografija autora: list 375;Bibliografija: listovi 353-374. Datum odbrane: 23.06.2021. Serbian and comparative literature
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