Naslov (srp)

Procena kvaliteta života i uticaj psihosocijalnih faktora radne sredine na radnu sposobnost slabovidih osoba


Belevska, Maja K. 1981-


Jovanović, Jovica 1957-
Đorđević-Jocić, Jasmina
Mikov, Ivan

Opis (srp)

Biografija autora: list 259,Bibliografija: listovi 231-258. Datum odbrane: 23.10.2020. Occupational health, Industrial medicine

Opis (eng)

Introduction: Low vision is an ocular morbid condition which affects the quality of life and work ability of people. Objective: The study assesses HRQL and the impact of psychosocial working conditions on the work ability of people with low vision. Methodology: It is a cross sectional study which includes 450 respondents suffering from glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and refractive anomalies with preserved vision 0.05 - 0.3 and a control group of 150 respondents with visual acuity> 0.5. Standardized generic instruments EQ-5D, EQ – VAS, WAI and COPSOQ were utilized in the research. Results: The respondents with glaucoma had the highest HRQL, whereas those with diabetic retinopathy had the lowest HRQL without a significant difference in quality of life. The respondents assessed their health status with 60%, those with refractive anomalies have the best self-assessment of health and respondents with diabetic retinopathy had the worst. The average value of WAI with low vision respondents is 30.1±4.1 which is the lower limit of good, 35.8% have poor, 58.7% good, 5.5% very good work ability. The psychosocial conditions of the work environment, in the domains quantitative job requirements, cognitive and emotional job requirements, exhaustion and stress, have statistically significant negative correlation of COSPOQ scores/WAI in low vision respondents. In the domains of employee influence at work, training opportunities, importance of work, quality of management, social support, employee-superior relationship, role and definition, job satisfaction and health status, there is a positive correlation of COSPOQ scores/WAI, which is more pronounced with the control group then the low vision respondents. Conclusion: The influence of psychosocial working conditions on the work ability of the people with low vision doesn’t depend only on the degree of visual impairment, but it is also affected by contextual characteristics of the person, comorbid conditions, vocational training, complexity and job requirements, work organization, etc.






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