Naslov (srp)

Kontaminacija urbanih sredina gastrointestinalnim parazitima pasa i socijalno-medicinski pristup rešavanju tog javnozdravstvenog problema


Ristić, Marko Z. 1981-


Višnjić, Aleksandar 1976-
Ilić, Tamara 1971-
Stojanović, Miodrag 1974-
Kocić, Biljana 1963-
Miladinović-Tasić, Nataša 1961-

Opis (srp)

Biografija autora: list 149;Bibliografija: list. 133-140. Datum odbrane: 13.11.2020. Veterinary medicine: Veterinary parasitology

Opis (eng)

Public areas contaminated with geochelminths from dog feces pose a risk to human health, especially in cities where parks, playgrounds and sandbanks can be a source of oral or percutaneous infection for humans. Although of great clinical and epidemiological importance, the importance of these pathogens is often minimized by veterinary doctors, physicians and the general public. The aim of the dissertation research is to determine the degree of contamination of soil and sand by zoonotic parasites from feces of dogs and the degree of risk they pose to human health in public places and playgrounds in the city of Niš. A parasitological study conducted between February and May 2019 analyzed 200 dog faeces samples, 200 soil samples and 50 sand samples from Nis public parks (Fortress, Ĉair and Sveti Sava) in southeastern Serbia (43° 19′15 ″ N, 21° 53′45″ E), based on indicators of bioclimatic conditions. Parasitological diagnostics were performed using conventional qualitative and quantitative coprological methods, in accordance with the recommendations regarding the diagnosis of parasitic etiology. For the survey of the attitudes, behavior and level of education of dog owners walking their dogs (150 respondents) and persons staying in parks in the city of Niš (150 respondents), adequate questionnaires were used. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using descriptive tests, analytical parametric and non-parametric tests, as well as correlation tests. In 5870% of feces samples, 3846% of soil samples and 40% of sand samples were diagnosed with ten endoparasites, eight of which have zoonotic potential. The soil samples were dominated by medium and high levels of T. canis ascaridide contamination (1422%) and low and medium levels of ankylostomatid contamination (412%), and sand samples with different levels of T. canis contamination (26%) and A. аlata (16%). A significant difference (p<0.05) was found in A. аlata egg contamination between sand and soil samples. A very significant difference (p<0.001) was found in the prevalence of T. vulpis, which was highest in the Fortress Park (36%) and A. аlata, which was largest in the Sveti Sava Park (38%). The majority of owners are not trained properly in the ways / possibilities of infecting dogs and their role in further transmission of parasites (80%) and generally do not carry out planned dehelmintization of dogs (6290%). The surveyed public areas in Niš are sources of zoonotic parasites, and it is necessary to approach the solution of this public health problem through the Proposal of the health-educational program of measures, which includes: prevention, control and supervision of transmission of parasites in the environment, education of staff of medical and veterinary profession, pet owners and social community.






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