Naslov (srp)

Ekotoksičnost nanočestica oksida metala i potencijalne metode za njihov biomonitoring u akvatičnim ekosistemima


Savić-Zdravković, Dimitrija 1990-


Milošević, Đurađ 1983-
Zarubica, Aleksandra 1975-
Stojković-Piperac, Milica 1983-
Cvetković, Vladimir 1985-
Kolarević, Stoimir 1984-

Opis (srp)

Biobibliografija: str. 341-345;Bibliografija: str. 273-327. Datum odbrane: 23.10.2020. Ecotoxicology

Opis (eng)

This research deals with ecotoxicity of insoluble metal oxide nanoparticles, that deposit at the bottom of aquatic ecosystems and therefore influence the hydrobiocenosis community: titanium dioxide nano-TiO2 (used as a food colour), cerium oxide nano-CeO2 (used in the automotive industry) and iron oxide nano-Fe3O4 (magnetic particles manufactured for medicinal use). Detailed characterisation of examined nanoparticles was conducted through contemporary analytical methods (for the analysis of specific surface-BET; surface chemistry-XPS; phase and crystal structure-XRD; size, aggregation and sample photographing-TEM, SEM and AFM; qualitative and quantitative element analysis-EDX; hydrodynamic diameter, polydispersity index and ζ-potential-DLS; in situ nanoparticle characterisation in the experimental sediment-EDX and SEM). Multiparametric bioassays were conducted, according to the OECD protocol, on aquatic model organisms: Chironomidae (Diptera): Chironomus tentans and Chironomus riparius. A series of standard (mortality, survival rate, developmental time and rate and emergence delay), as well as nonstandard biomarkers were analysed (oxidative stress-lipid and protein oxidation, SOD and CAT activity, expressed by total protein content; in vivo genotoxicity via DNA damage analysis; haemoglobin concentration; morphological variability change). For the first time in known literature geometric morphometric method was used for comprehensive nanoparticle toxicity analysis. Bioaccumulation of all tested nanoparticles by model organisms has been proven. The sublethal toxicity of titanium, cerium and iron oxide nanoparticles was determined, while in the case of nano-TiO2, a lethal effect was observed as well. Modified OECD protocol number 218 that implies using C. riparius as model organism, fine quartz sand substrate, detailed nanoparticle characterization, bioaccumulation analysis, analysis of standard and complementary sublethal biomarkers, enables efficient assessment of toxicity and monitoring of nanoparticles in aquatic ecosystems.






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