Socijalne determinante bračnog i reproduktivnog ponašanja mladih iz Jugoistočne Srbije
Pešić Jenaćković, Dragana S. 1984-
Marković Krstić, Suzana V.
Bobić, Mirjana
Branković, Srbobran
The main objective of the doctoral dissertation is to examine the social determinants of the marital and reproductive behavior of young people from Southeastern Serbia. More specifically, the research aims to examine the evaluation and practices of certain models of the marital and reproductive behavior of young people, while identifying differences toward particular socio-cultural, socio-economic and socio-demographic determinants. A combination of qualitative (in-depth interviews) and quantitative (interviewing and scaling) methods and techniques was used in the research. The sample consisted of persons aged 15 to 35 years old from Southern and Eastern Serbia (qualitative presurvey – 26 respondents; quota sample in the quantitative (main) survey – 500 respondents). The results of the research show that young people in Southeastern Serbia highly value both marriage and parenting in the traditional sense, as well as cohabitation and out-of-wedlock parenting. Although there is a discrepancy between attitudes and practices, there is an increase in cohabitation and parenting in extramarital communities among young people. Out of the examined social determinants, socio-cultural factors are dominant (marital/partnership status of respondents and their parents, type of community, parental status, level of traditionalism, family structure and family size, level of education of respondents and their parents). Among socio-economic determinants, housing status and housing (in)dependence stand out. Other socio-economic factors (employment status, income level, material situation in the family, housing conditions) do not have a unique impact, so they cannot be considered decisive for the marital and reproductive behavior of young people. The type of settlement is a significant factor, primarily when it comes to evaluating rather than practicing certain models of the marital and reproductive behavior of young people. In rural areas, marriage and parenthood are still valued in the traditional sense at the attitudinal level, while cohabitation and out-of-wedlock parenting are manifested at the practice level. The research points to a certain shift towards the individualization of young people, which is evident in highlighting certain factors for choosing a partner, in giving importance to particular reasons and conditions for cohabitation and parenting. However, it is observed that in rural youth, the process of individualization takes place more slowly and that for them it is still difficult to disconnect from traditional views.
Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst;Bibliografija: str. 355-364. Datum odbrane: 24.06.2020. Sociology
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