Naslov (srp)

Eksperimentalno-teorijska analiza graničnih stanja linijskih nosača od samougrađujućeg betona sa recikliranim agregatom


Milošević, Bojan K. 1980-


Mijalković, Marina
Brčić, Stanko
Radonjanin, Vlastimir
Ranković, Slobodan
Nikolić, Dragan

Opis (eng)

The interest of the professional public in the field of civil engineering for usage of self-compacting concrete and potentials of implementation of recycled aggregate in making of this type of concrete is on the rise, primarily because of the dwindling reserves of natural raw materials, and because of the increasing amounts of construction rubble and waste. The experimental-theoretical analysis implemented in this dissertation was used to monitor and analyze behaviour of reinforced concrete continuous beams made of self-compacting concrete made from natural (river) aggregate, as well of continuous beams in which the coarse natural aggregate was replaced in varying proportions, with the quality aggregate made of recycled concrete prefabricates. In addition to defining the ultimate strength state, the ultimate serviceability state was verified, while the stress-strain states of the beams and formation of plastic joints was monitored. Comparative analysis of experimental results was conducted, in which continuous beams with varying share of steel reinforcement made of self-compacting concrete with natural aggregate and the beams made of the self-compacting concrete with quality recycled aggregate were compared. By using the finite element method, continuous beams were modelled, and numerical non-linear analysis was conducted. The continuous beams where coarse natural aggregate was partially replaced by the recycled aggregate are comparable, in structural terms, and competitive with the beams made of self-compacting concrete made with natural aggregate, and they are also justified in terms of environment protection.

Opis (srp)

Biografija autora: list [157] Datum odbrane: 19.09.2016. Technical mechanics and theory of structures






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