Metodološki pristup procene rizika od deponijskog požara u cilju ocene zagađenosti vazduha
Milošević, Lidija T. 1974-
Mihajlović, Emina 1960-
Živković, Ljiljana
Radosavljević, Jasmina
Takić, Ljiljana
Đorđević, Amelija
Biografija autora: list 192 Datum odbrane: 18.11.2016. Еnergy processes and safety
Since landfill fires have not been sufficiently investigated and studied, the aim of this doctoral dissertation is to present a methodological approach to the issue. Measurements of landfill gas composition and concentrations spanning several months were performed by means of a gas analyzer at two landfills: a non-sanitary landfill "Bubanj" in Niš and a regional sanitary landfill "MuntinaPadina" in Pirot. The measurements were used to analyze fire indicators and air pollution idicators. The fire indicators were used to confirm the presence of underground fires or the possibility of outbreak, whereas the air pollution indicators were used to show whether specific parameters exceeded their limit or tolerable values. Assessment of landfill gas emission and its core components – methane, carbon dioxide, and nonmethane organic compounds was performed using the EPA LandGem mathematical model. Assessment of air pollution risk due to methane emissions and fire was performed using ALOHA software. Assessments of hazardous zones for toxicity, flammability, explosion pressure, and heat radiation were performed based on the emission of methane, which is the main component of landfill gas and is highly flammable and explosive. The results obtained in the research allow the following: identification of landfill fire hazards, landfill fire risk assessment, assessment of emissions and hazardous zones, as well as comparative analysis of two landfills. This doctoral dissertation is a result of the author’s own research and research conducted in cooperation with the doctoral supervisor. The contribution of the dissertation results pertains to the proposal of a new methodological approach of fire risk assessment and air pollution assessment, which can be applied to any sanitary landfill.
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