Naslov (srp)

Razvoj i implementacija okvira za evaluaciju i praćenje otvorenosti e-uprave


Veljković, Nataša Ž. 1982-


Stoimenov, Leonid
Milentijević, Ivan
Janković, Dragan
Ivković, Miodrag
Vučetić, Dejan

Opis (srp)

Biografija autora: listovi 156-157 Datum odbrane: 18.04.2016. Computer science and technology

Opis (eng)

The research subject of this PhD thesis is development and implementation of framework for evaluation and monitoring of e-government openness. The research presented in this doctoral dissertation includes definition of a conceptual model of Open government, definition, design and implementation of a framework for evaluation of Open government, definition, design and implementation of Web application architecture that allows evaluation and monitoring of government openness, and finally theoretical and practical validation of framework. Creating the Open government evaluation framework was not possible without a clearly defined concept of Open government, therefore the starting point for this process was clearly defining characteristics of open government that need to be evaluated. The defined Open Government conceptual model, describes Open Government through data openness, data transparency, government transparency, participation and collaboration. On the basis of these aspects following Open government indicators are defined: basic data set, data openness index, government transparency, data transparency, participation and collaboration. Each indicator participates in the final measure – e-government Openness Index with defined constant. Constants’ values are is drafted based on the assessment of the importance of the participation of each of the six indicators in the final measure of e-government Openness Index. Maturity is a measure that relies on the amount of progress that has been made since the last benchmark as well as the experience gained during the entire open government development process. The amount of progress is measured based on current and previous e-government Openness Index values and the number of years that passed between two adjacent benchmarks. Resulting in two measures, that is, one known as the e-government Openness Index and the other Maturity, the framework indicates the progress of government over time, the efficiency of recognizing and implementing new concepts and the willingness of the government to recognize and embrace innovative ideas. The research presented in this PhD dissertation includes definition, design and implementation of Web application architecture for open data analysis and calculation of the evaluation framework’s indicators. Realized Web application enables practical validation of evaluation framework. Also the research includes theoretical validation of the evaluation framework which justifies the reasons for the introduction of the evaluation framework and confirms its validity.






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