Biblioteka osnovne škole i njena funkcija u nastavi srpskog jezika i književnosti
Penkov, Mile N.
Marinković, Javorka 1954-
Petrović, Tihomir
Stojanović, Siniša
Napomene i bibliografske beleške uz tekst Datum odbrane: 11.07.2016. Pedagogy, Didactics
The place and the role of the primary school’s library have been taken into consideration within the educational process and its function in teaching Serbian language in elementary school. All of these facts have been mentioned in our work. The aim of our work is to point to existing state and ranges of this insufficient reasearched area. The area of teaching methods of Serbian language and literature as well as potentials of school’s library as multimedial school centre. It is particularly important in the part of changes of aims and tasks of all libraries caused by strong progress of informational technologies, with new forms of information and know ledge. This is time when the appearance of digital resources lead to changes of the structure of the library fund, and libraries increasingly get epithet and characteristic (trait) of that electronic or virtual library. Activities and functions of school library have been taken into consideration by using method of the theoretical analysis, while cultural and historical conditions and courses of library practice in educational process. In interpreting the results of surveys of attitudes of teachers, teacher of Serbian language and school librarians on professional cooperation and the use of library resources, as well as the attitudes of older pupils in primary school on the work of the school library, books and reading, we used analytical and descriptive method. The results of reasearch of all aspects of librarian-informational, educational and cultural public library’s activity show that cooperation between librarian and teachers, Serbian language teachers has very important role in order to fulfill plan and program in school subject-Serbian language as well as for the work of school sections which are led by teachers and Serbian language teachers. At the same time reading room of school library becomes convenient and stimulous surroundings for conducting supplementary and complementary education, as well as for pupils’ research work, doing homework preparation for lessons or for competition in Serbian language. The more activation of the wholesome school library resources will contribute to much better mutual work of teachers, Serbian language teachers and school librarian.
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