Naslov (srp)

Unapređenje procesa razvoja i održavanja informacionih sistema primenom domenskih modela podataka


Rajković, Petar, 1978-


Janković, Dragan
Stanković, Milena 1953-
Tošić, Milorad
Rančić, Dejan
Aleksić, Dejan

Opis (eng)

All major parts of information systems life cycle depend on a knowledge that come from many areas of computer sciences. In the same time, it requires domain specific knowledge that should be incorporated in order to make develop software useful to its end users. Considering all levels of complexity, time needed for a system development is, pretty often, much longer than it is really necessary. Also, this period can be unacceptable for potential. On the other hand, information system contains many components that share the same set of basic functionalities, but display different data. Processes of implementation and testing in mentioned cases can last much longer than expected. This dissertation is focused on a process of solving mentioned problem having domain driven development as a basic paradigm. As a main contribution the dissertation presents a set of specially designed software tools as well as a hybrid methodology tending to define best practice guidelines for domain driven engineering. The final goal is to create a framework that should improve processes of development, deployment and maintenance of information systems.






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