Ispitivanje učestalosti nekih faktora rizika za pojavu kardiovaskularnih oboljenja kod obolelih od plak psorijaze
Ljubenović, Milanka S. 1957-
Binić, Ivana
INTRODUCTION.Psoriasis is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disease, which primarily affects the skin, an last for life. Psoriasis covers about 1 - 3% of the world population, and the most common clinical form of this disease is Psoriasis Vulgaris (plaque - type psoriasis, PV). Severe clinical forms of PV are associated with many other diseases which it shares similar pathogenetic factors. AIM. To determine the presence and prevalence of certain risk factors (age, level of blood glucose, blood pressure, smoking, body mass index - BMI) of cardiovascular disease in our patients with PV, compared to the control group. METHODS.The study involved 150 patients with Psoriasis vulgaris, and 150 patients with a diagnosis of other dermatological disorders, as control group. The data related to the existence of certain risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease was collected , as well as harmful habits: smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.The value of C - reactive protein (CRP), and the index of the ratio of blood pressure on the upper arm and ankle (Ankle - Brachial Pressure Index - ABI)were also registered, and a ten-year risk factor for cardiovascular disease was calculated, according to an algorithm developed from Framingham study of heart disease . RESULTS. We did not find more frequent presence of common risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, smoking, diabetes mellitus, obesity) in patients with clinical signs of severe plaque psoriasis, compared to the control group. There was a statistically significant positive correlation between duration of PV and Framinghame risk score for cardiovascular disease respectively, wich could be explained with the long-term presence of inflammation in psoriatic lesions. CONCLUSION. Because of everything said, we deem that it would be right to form a protocol that would be applied in diagnosing Psoriasis Vulgaris, in order to get more accurate insight into the clinical picture, the possible presence of comorbidity and determining appropriate therapy .
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