Naslov (srp)

Specifičnosti primene različitog stepena kompresivne terapije u lečenju venskih ulceracija donjih ekstremiteta kod bolesnika starijeg životnog doba


Karanikolić, Vesna Lj. 1972-


Binić, Ivana

Opis (srp)

Biografija: list [121] Datum odbrane: 23.06.2016. Phlebology, Dermatovenerology

Opis (eng)

Venous ulcers (VU) affects 1% of the total human population, where more often in people over 65 years of age. There are different therapeutic modalities VU. The most popular and also the most common treatment modality is a compression bandage. The primary goal of the research is to determine the efficacy and safety of compression therapy using different degrees of compression in the treatment of venous ulceration in elderly patients. The study included 102 ambulatory patients aged over 18 years with the presence of venous ulcers. By simple randomization, were formed following groups. The study group consisted of patients ≥65 years, while the control group consisted of patients <65 years. Each group of patients was divided into two subgroups according to the degree of compression therapy was applied in the treatment of VU The first subgroup was treated with a compression pressure of 35-40 mmHg (Class III). The second subgroup consisted of patients treated with compressive pressure> 45 mmHg (class III +). In the follow-up period of 24 weeks the percentage of healed venous ulcers treated with compression therapy class III was 36% in younger vs. 28% in elderly patients and in patients treated with compressive therapy class III + was 53.85 %% in younger vs. 57.69% in elderly patients. In younger patients there was a rapid healing of venous ulcers compared to a group of elderly patients treated with compressive therapy class III. In both age groups of patients treated with compressive therapy class III + has been found that the rate of healing of venous ulceration was approximately the same.






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