Naslov (srp)

Primena različitih metodoloških postupaka u definisanju antropoloških dimenzija sportista


Ilić, Igor


Petković, Dragoljub
Popović, Dragan
Berić Dragana, Berić Dragana
Dragan Nejić, Dragan Nejić

Opis (eng)

Determination of optimal structure of the anthropological characteristics of the participants in specific type of sport, their differences in relation to the preferred sport, as well as defining and constant improvement of the methods which would improve this process, was the primary long standing goal of research in sport sciences. The goal of this research was to determine the structure and differences in the area of the morphological, conative and social characteristics, as well as cognitive abilities of the handball, volleyball, basketball and football players. The subject sample consisted of 200 athletes of the two top federal competition ranks, 50 athletes from each of the studied sports games. By applying algorithms and programs presented in this study, using neural networks and multivariate methods of factor and discriminant analysis, we determined the existence of the multidimensional models of the latent structure of the second order in the areas of morphological, conative and social characteristics, as well as one general factor in the area of cognitive abilities in all analyzed groups of athletes. Significant differences between all examined groups of athletes at the level of morphological, conative, sociological characteristics and cognitive abilities were also determined. Recommendation for the goals of the future research studies could be reflected primarily in the qualitative and quantitative adaptation of the subject sample, with a mandatory presumption of retaining its required test parameters, in order to implement the proposed method and the results examined on the wider population of athletes.






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