Formiranje cene nafte i gasa u uslovima ekonomskih kriza : doktorska disertacija
Veličković, Dejan LJ. 1982-
Zdravković, Dušan.
Stojanović, Boban 1958-
Maksimović, Ljiljana 1956-
Univerzitet u Nišu, Ekonomski fakultet, 2014. Bibliografija: listovi 195-202. Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst. Rezime ; Abstract.
Given that oil and gas have the largest share in the total consumption of energy in the world, the author of this article points out the price of these fuels as an economic category that is necessarily interfere with the economic picture of each individual and therefore the global economy. Except as a fuel, oil has an extremely wide application in the manufacture of various products, which further affects the significance of this resource and justifies the name of "black gold" as it's also called. The level of oil and gas prices has a direct impact on the volume and efficiency of economic activity, but also to the standard of living. As such economic categories oil and gas are in direct or indirect relationship with the economic crisis and political instability around the world. On the one hand we have a net importer and a net exporter of oil at the other. The reduction of production by the exporter has a significant impact on the oil market itself but also to the economic activity of importers of this important resource. Since oil and gas are non-renewable sources of energy, it can be noted that through the history have often been the cause of great international tensions and the reason for making war in order to capture these energy sources. More oil shocks affected the world economy during the sixties and seventies of the last century, embodied the embargo and oil crisis. Special attention will be paid to fluctuations in the price of oil and gas as a result of the global economic crisis in 2008. year. If we look at the relationship between oil and gas prices, on the one hand, and the man on the other hand, we can easily realize that the daily life of man forms depending on the level of prices of these fuels if any person occurs as a direct consumer of petroleum products and natural gas, or so what is the price of these fuels embedded in almost all the products that one uses in everyday life. The author will give attention to the role and importance of oil and gas for Serbian economy and way of its pricing. It will be done the study of supply chain in oil and gas users in Serbia and policy formation rates of these fuels. Also, this work will analyses the strategic position of Serbia in the supply chain of these fuels in the “Јužni tok”.
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