Višekriterijumska optimizacija mikromreže korišćenjem V2G tehnologije
Raičević, Nebojša, 1965-
Krstić, Dejan, 1969-
Perić, Mirjana, 1976-
Vučković, Ana, 1977-
Zlatković, Bojana, 1976-
The subject of the research of this doctoral dissertation is theapplication of multicriteria optimization (MCO) and the realization ofcomputer programs that can be implemented in the smartmanagement of microgrids with the use of renewable energy sources(RES), electric vehicles and V2G technology, while achieving acompromise between economic and environmental goals. Theweighting coefficients of the criteria were determined using thesubjective BWM and AHP methods, and then different types ofenergy sources in the microgrid were ranked using the MCO methods(PROMETHEE, ELECTRE, VIKOR and TOPSIS). The resultsobtained using Lingo, Excel and PROMETHEE-GAIA programswere analyzed. A new two-stage MCO procedure was developed thatenables consumption management in case there are predicted nondeferrableloads during the day, experimentally measured orestimated intermittent RES production at the microgrid location,deferrable consumption, as well as known hourly prices on theelectricity market. The daily consumption curve of the microgrid wasoptimized, which achieved a reduction in electricity costs andinvestment costs. The daily charging/discharging schedule of electricvehicles at the microgrid charging station with V2G technology wasalso optimized in order to reduce energy costs, taking into account thecharacteristics of vehicles and their batteries, as well as the dailyschedule of vehicle use and their availability for charging/discharging.Microgrid scenarios for different number of vehicles, charger powerand ambient temperature are considered. In doing so, the economicrequirements of microgrid users, vehicle owners, and distributioncompanies were taken into account, as well as environmentalrequirements for the reduction of emissions of harmful gases andparticle matter in order to preserve the quality of the environment.The MCO method was developed and applied to rank the fire hazardof vehicles based on biological and ecological criteria whose weightcoefficients were determined by the BWM and AHP methods.The results obtained through the application of modern scientificprinciples and the methodology of scientific work represent anoriginal contribution to the analysis and solution of complexenvironmental and economic problems that follow the production ofelectricity and the functioning of power systems in accordance withthe modern strategy of clean energy.
Biografija autora: list [271].Bibliografija uz svako poglavlje. Datum odbrane: 07.07.2024. Elektrotehnika i računarstvo
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