Title (srp)

Razvoj unapređenih upravljačkih sistema za elektromotorne pogone kranova


Kostić, Vojkan Z. 1975-


Petronijević, Milutin P. 1966-
Mitrović, Nebojša, 1963-
Štatkić, Saša, 1967-
Nikolić, Saša, 1982-
Bebić, Milan, 1967-

Description (srp)

The PhD thesis is devoted to the development of improved controlsystems for crane electric motor drives. Based on the observed practicalproblems from the long-time exploitation of cranes and considerationof existing solutions, the dissertation proposes several innovativealgorithms and technical realizations. Among other things, somethingthat will be proposed is: a new algorithm for the skew control of a widespancrane construction, which can be easily implemented in existingdrives with minimal hardware upgrade; a new realization of thealgorithm for the load sharing between motors of controlled multimotordrive, which can be easily implemented in existing driveswithout a hardware upgrade; a new method for the motor selection anda new control algorithm for the monospiral cable reel drive; oneimprovement of the known industrial solution for optimizing thegenerator mode of motor operation of the complete crane drive system.All mentioned above is the result of detailed mathematical andsimulation analysis and/or detailed problem analysis, and afterpractical implementation, it was verified by experimental tests andrecordings of characteristic quantities.

Description (srp)

Biografija autora: listovi 192-193. Bibliografija: listovi 150-154. Datum odbrane: 18.07.2024. Electrical engineering

Object languages





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