Title (srp)

Eksperimentalno i numeričko istraživanje razmene toplotne mase u ložištu apsorpcione toplotne pumpe na biomasu


Ilić, Marko, 1984-


Stefanović, Velimir, 1961-
Vukić, Mića, 1965-
Stefanović, Gordana, 1959-
Laković Paunović, Mirjana S., 1975-
Raos, Miomir, 1966-
Pavlović, Saša, 1983-

Description (srp)

In this doctoral dissertation, an experimental and numerical investigation ofthermo-fluid processes in a hot air generator (GVV) within the absorption heatpump (AHP) system has been conducted. The working medium in this systemis a mixture of ammonia and water. In the first phase, the substitution ofgaseous fuel with solid fuel (biomass pellets) was successfully carried out, andmodifications were made to the heat pump to connect it to the GVV. The goalwas to optimize the geometry of the pellet stove combustion chamber, withsignificant assistance from companies (Megal and "AirCool") that producedand donated the stove. The stove was adapted into the GVV for AHP purposes.Inside the generator, a finned heat exchanger was added to enhance the heatexchange process.The experimental research was conducted in the Laboratory forThermotechni cast the Fauclty of Mechaniacl Engineering in Niš. Multipledifferent operating modes were investigated in the experimental part. The GVVexhibits complex turbulent flow, with combustion products flowing throughthe heat exchanger tubes in three passes. Air flows around both finned and nonfinnedheat exchanger tube bundles, getting heated to the required temperaturesfor the operation of the heat pump absorber. Measurements included fluidflows, temperatures of working fluids at the inlet and outlet of the system, aswell as temperatures at defined locations within the generator.A mathematical model of heat and mass exchange was established, vital forconducting the numerical experiment in this work. Model validation wasperformed by comparing measured and calculated thermo-fluid quantities atselected locations in the GVV.Abstract: Considering the good agreement between experimental and numerical results,the model can be utilized for numerical simulations in similar heat exchangescenarios. In the numerical research section, software packages ANSYS andCFX were used.Towards the end of the study, thermal characteristics of the AHP system weredetermined, primarily focusing on exchanged heat fluxes and heating andcooling coefficients. These characteristics were analyzed in relation to thetemperature of hot air entering the desorber of the AHP.

Description (srp)

Biografija autora: [183] listBibliografija: list. 159-164 Datum odbrane: 20.6.2024. Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass transfer

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