Title (srp)

Evaluacija efikasnosti rotirajućih nikl-titanijumskih instrumenata u preparaciji kanala korenova zuba kompleksne morfologije


Stošić, Nenad, 1987-


Popović, Jelena, 1979-
Mitić, Aleksandar, 1971-
Živković, Slavoljub, 1958-
Petković, Dušan, 1982-
Todorović, Kosta, 1970-

Description (srp)

Due to the high flexibility and cutting efficiency, as well as the preservation of the initial form of the root canal, rotary nickel-titanium endodontic instruments are the instruments of choice in endodontic treatment. However, a sudden fracture during preparation is one of the more serious complications, which is most often the result of cyclic fatigue. The aim of the research was to analyse and compare cutting efficiency, resistance to cyclic fatigue and fracture during root canal treatment with different nickel-titanium instruments at different angles of curvature, and under conditions of exposure to disinfectants and sterilization cycles. The study examined six types of rotating endodontic instruments, conventional ProTaper Universal and treated BioRace, ProTaper Next, Twisted File, HyFlex CM and WaveOne Gold instruments of new generations. Examination of cutting efficiency was performed by SEМ analysis of the dentine surface before and after removal of the smear layer. Testing the efficiency and cyclic fatigue was performed in artificial canals with different bend angles and radii. Electrochemical testing of corrosion sensitivity was performed using the potentiodynamic method. The instruments were sterilized in an autoclave for 1, 3, and 5 sterilization cycles, after which SЕМ analysis and a cyclic fatigue test were performed. The most effective cleaning of the dentine surface was demonstrated by WaveOne Gold. HyFlex CM group of instruments has proven the highest coefficient of resistance to cyclic fatigue. The highest resistance to the corrosion effect of NaOCl was observed in WaveOne Gold instruments. It was proven that corrosion had a significant effect on the reduction of cyclic fatigue resistance in all groups of instruments. The positive influence of autoclave sterilization on increasing resistance to cyclic fatigue was observed in new generations of instruments.The results showed that the treated instruments have an impact on the better influence to the dentin of the root canal, as well as that they show greater resistance to cyclic fatigue, to the action of irrigation solutions and sterilization in an autoclave.

Description (srp)

Biografija autora: listovi 157-158Bibliografija: listovi 126-153 Datum odbrane: Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics

Object languages





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