Naslov (srp)

Razvoj i implementacija sistema za podršku elektronskom poslovanju zdravstvenih organizacija


Rađenović, Žarko J. 1989-


Milovanović, Slavoljub 1962-
Stanković, Milena
Radović, Ognjen

Opis (srp)

Biografija autora: list 241;Bibliografija: listovi 217-229. Datum odbrane: 19.06.2018. Business information systems

Opis (eng)

The subject of this scientific research will be information systems for supporting the electronic business of health organizations as well as the multi-criteria analysis of widely-distributed software solutions for effective communication between the health organization units as well as with the patients. Actuality and significance of this topic is reflected in global efforts to improve the provision of health services electronically, in terms of timely and successful treatment, based on an analysis of the history of patient illness by daily monitoring of large amounts of data in real time. The creation of virtual health networks and communities enhances the exchange of opinions of medical personnel and transfer of knowledge, modern equipment, medicines and medical materials. By using the concept of electronic cardboard in virtual health communities, organizations can also achieve cross-border cooperation when it comes to effective treatment of patients and preventive action. In this paper it will be also talking about the evolution of information technologies and tendencies in health sector which enabled the use of information as a resource without which one can not imagine the efficient operation of an organization and its market recognition. Therefore information generate comparative advantages and makes the difference between successful and unsuccessful business entities on the market. The management of information systems for eHealth support is also a result of the need for different health organizations to differentiate themselves in the market, by providing the highest quality and cost-effective healthcare services. Information systems in health organizations such as Heliant Health, which will be analyzed, contribute to better monitoring of patients' disease history and analytical tools allowing forecasting of the future state of the disease. Also, in electronic healthcare, facilitated exchange of information, gives 'space' for the exchange of opinions of medical personnel that does not have to be geographically connected. In the development and implementation of information systems for electronic healthcare support, such as Heliant Health, which is present in domestic healthcare institutions, it is extremely important to choose the optimal software alternative based on empirical research, among many existing on the market. The right choice of the health information system will provide not only cost and operational efficiency, but also a higher degree of interoperability, collaboration and coordination. The methodology for selecting an adequate health information system will be presented in the work based on the results of the empirical research using softwares like Expert Choice, Visual PROMETHEE and Fuzzy Topsis. In this way, information systems in healthcare organizations enable a higher level of quality of provided services, which originate from adequately collected and analyzed information of the patients health condition.






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