Naslov (srp)

Ispitivanje energetske efikasnosti solarnih modula u zavisnosti od njihove zaprljanosti u realnim klimatskim uslovima u Nišu


Radonjić Mitić, Ivana S. 1982-


Pavlović, Tomislav M. 1949-
Mirjanić, Dragoljub
Šetrajčić, Jovan 1951-
Stamenković, Suzana 1974-
Šišović, Nikola
Radović, Miodrag 1952-

Opis (srp)

Biobibliografija autora: str. 213-219;Bibliografija na kraju svakog poglavlja. Datum odbrane: 05.07.2018. Experimental and Applied Physics

Opis (eng)

The doctoral dissertation provides basic information on solar radiation, photovoltaic conversion of solar radiation, solar cells and solar modules and their output parameters, and a literature review of the current research in the world about dust and solar modules soiling. In addition, the results of the measurement of electrical parameters of clean and solar modules soiled with carbon, calcium carbonate and soil are given. Furthermore, a comparative overview of the results of the energy efficiency tests of the clean and solar modules soiled with carbon, calcium carbonate and soil is given. In the end, the results of the measurement of the electrical parameters of the clean and solar modules soiled with accumulated soot from the chimney of the boiler room, located in the basement of the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics in Niš, are presented.






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