Naslov (srp)

Stojan Novaković i srpsko društvo krajem 19. i početkom 20. veka


Antonijević, Ljubiša 1967-


Nedeljković, Slaviša 1966-
Mladenović, Božica
Rajić, Suzana
Pešić, Miroslav

Opis (srp)

Bibliografija: listovi 240-257 Datum odbrane: 11.04.2018. Contemporary history

Opis (eng)

The main goal is to get a doctorate based on a number of archives and manifold literature, explore views Stojan Novakovic, one of the most significant Serbian politician and statesman, the Serbian society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. In the study Novakovics views of Serbian society, special emphasis will be placed on his attitude towards the question of Serbian statehood, the Serbian foreigh policy and relations between the major powers to the Serbian question in the Balkans, the constitutional issue, compared to the modern and traditional in Serbian society, attitudes towards culture and education in Serbia between two centuries.






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