Naslov (srp)

Valorizacija ekonomsko-geografskih resursa Južne Srbije u funkciji turističkog razvoja


Mojić, Jovica


Šušić, Vukašin 1954-
Aranđelović, Zoran
Milenković, Svetislav 1952-

Opis (srp)

Biobibliografski podaci: 293-295 Datum odbrane: 30.09.2016. null

Opis (eng)

At the beginning of the motives that explain the choice of topics and points to a way of doctoral dissertations. Then, in a conceptually related topics will be discussed theoretical and methodological background and work harder to define. Will discuss the development of tourism as a modern social and global phenomenon. Analyze the geographic, traffic situation, as well as travel to some position emissive areas. There will be a complex evaluation of tourism resources to the methodology recommended by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Also, based on tourist traffic and the number of nights will be determined by the quality and level of tourism development Tourism South Serbia. At the same time analyze the distribution of tourist traffic (seasonality), and types of traffic to tourist destinations (mountain resort, spa centers, town centers, etc.). In this regard, a review of the current forms of tourism in this tourist destination such as health care, transit, excursion, rural, mountain, events and other specific forms of tourism. Furthermore, we will investigate the specificity of the place of tourism in the economic structure of South Serbia. At the same time, a review of the structure of the economy by sectors and cross-cutting relationships between tourism and certain industries. In parallel, to consider the position of South Serbia as a tourist destination with the three most important aspects. The first is the setting up of indicators of competitiveness of tourism, another analysis of competitive strengths and weaknesses of tourism and the third aspect of the benchmarking analysis of tourism products and comparison with similar resources. All of this contributes to the determination of directions of development of some of the existing and new forms of tourism, as well as establishing a sustainable development of tourism. Finally, this paper will be on the development prospects of some forms of tourism in the short term may bring the greatest economic effects with minimal financial investment.






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