Naslov (srp)

Procena uticaja leptina, grelina i tiroidne funkcije na tip ishranjenosti dece i adolescenata


Miljković, Mirjana N. 1961-


Šaranac, Ljiljana
Đurić, Zlatko
Bjelaković, Bojko
Stojanović, Ivana
Sajić, Silvija

Opis (eng)

Energy homeostasis is the balance between energy input and expenditure. The neuroendocrine HPT axis has a main significance in this regulation. Anorexigenic (leptin) and orexigen (ghrelin) hormones have a key role in homeostatic regulation by energy intake control. Research aims: to determine and compare leptin, ghrelin, thyroid hormones and TSH concentrations in examinees with different nutritional status and to examine the correlation of leptin and ghrelin levels with investigated hormones. The research has been conducted at Clinic for children’s internal medicine in Nis, from January 2014 to February 2015. The prospective study included 88 children: obese, undernourished and control group divided based on BMI-SD. The results show that body mass at birth in the obese group was statistically significantly higher than in the group of the thin ones. The values of all listed anthropometric parameters have been the highest in the obese group, statistically significant compared to the values of both groups. The values of leptin, leptin/BM and leptin/ghrelin ratio are the highest in the obese group, all statistically significant in comparison to the thin ones. Values for ghrelin, ghrelin/BM and ghrelin/leptin ration are the highest in the thin ones, and the lowest in the obese ones. Except TSH, which is statistically significantly higher in the obese examinees compared to the control and thin group, there are no statistically significant differences between other parameters among groups. The obtained results point out that, for normal nutritional status, it is necessary to establish these two hormones balance. In this complex regulatory system, involving thyroid hormones, the genetic and environmental factors importance requuires the additional investigations. This is the first study which investigates ghrelin, leptin and thyroid hormones in different nutritional status types of children and adolescents in our country. The results provide better understanding of obesity and undernutrition disorders orexitropic hormonal regulation.

Opis (srp)

Beleška o autoru: list 136 Datum odbrane: 16.06.2016. Pediatrics, Endocrinology






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