Title (srp)

Predikcija i prevencija femicida u nasilnim partnerskim odnosima - forenzička studija


Antović, Aleksandra R. 1972-


Karadžić, Radovan

Description (eng)

The current study was carried out in order to determine the predictive potential for the earlier recognized risk factors of intimate partner femicide. The research was conducted on cadaveric material of 74 autopsied victims of femicide committed by their intimate partners during the period from 2000 to 2014 and 303 interviewed women as a control group. Logistic regression was used to estimate the independent associations for each of the hypothesized risk factors and the risk of intimate partner femicide. Identified risk factors were graded according to their predictive capacity as the factors of low, moderate and high-risk potential. Empirical validation of the most informative risk factors was performed by adding numerical value of each of them, in order to make a proper risk assessment tool, for identification of victims at the greatest risk for intimate partner femicide. Using this measuring instruments in everyday clinical practice, at the first meeting with a woman - a victim of partner violence allows the rapid identification of potential victim of femicide and preventive actions in order to impede adverse outcomes.

Description (srp)

Biografija: list 219 Datum odbrane: 07.07.2016. Legal medicine

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