Naslov (srp)

Efekti specifičnog treninga na kardiorespiratornu izdržljivost i kontraktilni potencijal mišića džudista : doktorska disertacija


Todorov, Ivan


Bratić, Milovan. 1958
Radovanović, Dragan
Berić, Dragana
Dopsaj, Milivoj. 1963-
Nurkić, Mirsad

Opis (eng)

At the basis of every successfully planned and programmed training process lie precise diagnostic procedures for the evaluation of the individual characteristics of each athlete. The aim of the current research was to determine the effects of an eight-week specific training on cardiorespiratory endurance and the contractile potential of the muscles of judo athletes. The research was carried out on a sample of 25 young, highly selected judo athletes, members of the wider list of members of the cadet and junior national team of Serbia. The methodology that was used was cardiorespiratory endurance, contractile potential of the muscles and body composition, which currently represent the highest standards in the field of sports science. It was determined that an eight-week specifically planned training program did not lead to any statistically significant differences in cardiorespiratory endurance, but that the experimental treatment led to a statistically significant increase in the contractile potential of muscles. The obtained research results offer a more precise and extensive amount of information on the adaptive responses of the cardiorespiratory and muscle system of young judo athletes during a specifically planned training program and enable a more successful application of such training sessions in judo training. The obtained results can serve as guidelines for planning a more effective training program.

Opis (srp)

Umnoženo za odbranu. Univerzitet u Nišu, Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, 2014. Bibliografija : listovi 67-74. Rezime ; Summary.






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