Naslov (srp)

Povezanost telesne kompozicije sa funkcionalnim sposobnostima i snagom selekcionisanih džudista


Milošević, Nikola 1987-


Bratić, Milovan 1958-
Nurkić, Mirsad 1963-
Pantelić, Saša 1975-
Stanković, Nemanja
Atanasov, Dragan

Opis (eng)

The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between body composition, and the functional abilities and strength of selected judokas, as well as the connection between body composition and the parameters of functional abilities and strength. The study was carried out on a sample of 25 judokas of the cadet and junior categories, members of the men’s national team of Serbia. To analyze body composition, the In Body 720 device was used, along with a caliper. The values of functional abilities were evaluated using the Special Judo Fitness Test and the Shuttle run test. To measure the parameters of strength, the Optojump, Fitrodine Premium were used along with the IMADA Z2H-1100 digital force gauge. The basic parameters of descriptive statistics were calculated for each of the variables. The canonical correlation analysis was calculated to determine the connection between body composition and the group of tests of functional abilities and individual tests of strength. The research results have indicated that in the relation between body composition and functional abilities two factors are statistically significant. The first factor has an exceptionally high canonical correlation .99 (Canonical R .99), which is explained with 99% of the overall variability (Canonical R2 .99) and is statistically significant at the .000 level. The second factor has a canonical correlation of .91, which is explained with 84% of the overall variability (Canonical R2 .84) and is statistically significant at the p< .05 level (.046). In the relation between body composition and the parameters of strength, one factor shows statistical significance, and has a high canonical correlation of .97 (Canonical R .97), which is explained with 94% of the overall variability (Canonical R2 .94) and is statistically significant at the p< .05 level (.050). The results of the regression analysis have indicated a statistically significant influence on body composition on aerobic abilities, the overall, absolute and explosive strength.

Opis (srp)

Biografija autora sa slikom: list. 98-99;Bibliografija: list. 86-97. Datum odbrane: 09.07.2019. Sport, judo






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